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Orland Park Pedestrian Accidents Attorney

Will County Personal Injury Lawyer for Pedestrians Struck by Vehicles

Pedestrian accidents are a significant public safety concern, because people who are struck by vehicles are likely to suffer serious injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 6,500 pedestrians have been killed in auto accidents each year over the past several years. These numbers represent more than just data; they reflect the devastating impact that pedestrian accidents can have on families and communities.

If you have suffered an injury, or if a family member has been killed after being struck by a negligent driver, Issa Law, LLC can help you determine your legal options. Attorney Khaled Issa serves clients throughout the southwest suburbs of Chicago in Will County and Cook County. Our firm handles pedestrian accident and bicycle accident cases, and we work to ensure that people who have been injured after being hit by cars or trucks will have the financial resources they need to recover from the harm they have suffered. To schedule a consultation at our Orland Park, Illinois law office, call 708-966-2408 or contact us online.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents occur for a variety of reasons, but in many cases, driver negligence is responsible for causing pedestrians to suffer serious injuries. Some issues that can increase the chances of a driver hitting a pedestrian include:

  • Distracted Driving: Whether a driver is texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or using a GPS, taking their eyes off the road for even a few seconds can result in a tragic accident. Pedestrians are particularly at risk when drivers are not fully attentive.
  • Speeding: When a vehicle is traveling at high speeds, the driver has less time to react to a pedestrian crossing the road, and the impact of a collision is more likely to be fatal.
  • Failure to Yield: Many pedestrian accidents occur at crosswalks, where drivers are legally required to yield to pedestrians. However, some drivers fail to observe these laws, either due to impatience, distraction, or misunderstanding the rules of the road. This failure to yield can have dire consequences for pedestrians who assume that they can cross the road safely when they have the right of way.
  • Drunk Driving: Driving under the influence can greatly increase the chances of pedestrian accidents. Intoxicated drivers have reduced reaction times and impaired judgment, making them more likely to strike a pedestrian. Drunk driving is particularly dangerous in areas with high pedestrian traffic, such as urban centers and residential neighborhoods.
  • Poor Visibility: Accidents are more likely to occur when visibility is compromised, such as during nighttime, in bad weather, or in poorly lit areas. Pedestrians walking in these conditions may be less visible to drivers, who should use extra caution in low-visibility situations to make sure they can see and avoid people who may be crossing the street or walking near the road.
  • Driver Fatigue: Tired or drowsy drivers can put pedestrians and others at risk. Fatigue can impair a driver's reaction time, decision-making abilities, and overall awareness. When a driver is not fully alert, the chances of them failing to see a pedestrian or misjudging a pedestrian's actions will increase significantly.

Serious Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents often result in multiple types of severe injuries due to the lack of protection pedestrians have when struck by a vehicle. The injuries sustained in these accidents are frequently catastrophic, requiring extensive medical treatment and long-term care. They may include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): When a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, the impact may cause them to hit their head on the pavement or the vehicle itself. This can lead to brain injuries, which can have long-lasting effects on their cognitive abilities, motor functions, and overall quality of life. In severe cases, TBIs can result in permanent disability or even death.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The force of a vehicle striking a pedestrian can cause significant damage to the back, the vertebrae in the spine, and the nerves in the spinal cord. These injuries can range from herniated discs to a severed spinal cord, which may result in paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can be life-altering, and they often require ongoing medical care and rehabilitation.
  • Broken Bones: Pedestrians struck by vehicles may suffer multiple fractures, including broken arms, legs, ribs, and pelvises. These injuries can be particularly debilitating, as they may require surgery, physical therapy, and extended periods of immobility. Recovery from multiple fractures can be a long and painful process, with some victims never fully regaining their pre-accident mobility.
  • Internal Injuries: The impact of a vehicle can cause severe injuries that may affect internal organs or other bodily systems. These injuries may include internal bleeding and injuries to the chest and abdomen. They can be particularly dangerous because they are not always immediately apparent, and a person's life may be at risk if they are not treated promptly.
  • Facial Injuries and Disfigurement: Pedestrians are at risk of sustaining severe lacerations or other wounds when struck by a vehicle. These injuries can include cuts and scrapes, as well as damage to the eyes, nose, and mouth. In some cases, a person may experience permanent disfigurement, requiring reconstructive surgery and leaving the victim with lasting physical and emotional scars.
  • Amputations: In the most severe pedestrian accidents, the injuries sustained may lead to the loss of a limb or another part of the body. This can occur when a pedestrian's arms or legs are crushed in a collision or when severe damage makes it impossible to save a body part. Amputations are life-changing events that require significant adjustment and long-term care.

Contact Our Tinley Park Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

At Issa Law, LLC, we understand that people who have suffered serious injuries often face significant medical, financial, and emotional hardship. When Attorney Issa takes a case, he does so with the understanding that the results will have a direct bearing on a client's life. He works tirelessly to obtain the best possible results for each client he represents. If you have been struck by a car, truck, or motorcycle while walking or riding a bike, our firm can help. To contact our office, call 708-966-2408 or fill out our online contact form.

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