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Orland Park Serious Injury Lawyer

Will County Catastrophic Injury Attorney for Brain and Spine Injuries and Broken Bones


Injuries affecting the head and brain can seem relatively mild, such as a bruise or cut in the skin, or they can be much more serious in nature, involving concussions, deep lacerations, fractures in bones in the skull, or internal bleeding that may put dangerous pressure on the brain.



Injuries to the spinal cord can be devastating, resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia. After such a catastrophic injury, the lives of you and your family are changed forever.



You can sustain a fracture in almost any kind of accident. When you get a fracture, it may not be healed by simply having a cast placed on the area with the fracture and letting it heal. Factures can often lead to permanent and irreparable injury. There are many factors which can determine how serious and long-lasting fractures and their effects will last – the severity of the initial fracture, how quick you seek out medical attention for the fracture, the quality of the medical care received and how well the fracture heals.



Joint injuries caused by an accident typically involve injuries suffered to the knee, ankle, shoulder or elbow. When these areas of the body are injured in an accident the effects on your life can be particularly drastic. An injury to the knee or ankle can severely restrict or entirely eliminate your ability to move around and perform the functions of your everyday life. Injuries to your shoulder and elbow, while not affecting your ability to be mobile, can significantly reduce your ability to perform simple everyday tasks such as washing your hair or reaching to get objects out of overhead cabinets.


Contact Our Tinley Park Severe Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one have suffered a catastrophic injury, our firm can help you determine your options for pursuing financial compensation. Contact us today at 708-966-2408 to schedule a consultation.

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